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New York City Car Crashes

The New York City dataset is from the New York City Police department crash reports for persons, injuries, and deaths.

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column namecolumn descriptiondata type
person_record_idPrimary Key for the person table - Unique record code generated by systeminteger
crash_record_idForeign Key to the crash table - Unique crash identification codeinteger
crash_date_yyyymmddOccurrence date of collisiontimestamp without time zone
crash_time_24hOccurrence time of collisiontext
crash_timestamp_yyyymmdd_24hOccurrence date and time of crashtimestamp without time zone
person_idVictim identification code assigned by systemtext
person_typeBicyclist, Occupant, Pedestrian, etc.text
person_injury_typeInjured, killed, unspecifiedtext
vehicle_record_idForeign Key to the vehicle table - Unique vehicle record associated with victiminteger
person_ageAutomatically calculated based on date of birthinteger
person_was_ejectedNot ejected, partially ejected, or ejected from the vehicletext
person_mental_statusDeath, unconscious, semiconscious, etc.text
person_bodily_injuryInjured body area (i.e. head, face, neck, etc.)text
person_position_in_vehicleSeating position #1-#8 (i.e. driver, front passenger, etc.)text
person_safety_equipmentSafety equipment being used (i.e. lap belt, harness, child restraint, air bag, etc.)text
person_pedestrian_locationLocation of the pedestrian (i.e. at intersection, not at intersection)text
person_pedestrian_actionWhat the pedestrian was doing at time of crash (i.e., walking with the signal, against the signal, etc.)text
person_injury_complaintType of physical complaint (ex. Concussion, severe burn, severe bleeding, etc.)text
person_role_in_crashDriver, passenger, pedestrian, etc.text
crash_cause_primaryFactors contributing to the collision for designated vehicle (note, this can be any vehicle number [1-5] from the crash dataset)text
crash_cause_secondaryFactors contributing to the collision for designated vehicle (not often used)text
person_sexGender of victimtext